These are the structures in the eye that perceives color
A. Rods
B. Cones
C. Blind Spot
D. Pupil
Select your answer:
Diseases Dermatology Vocabulary Communicable Diseases and Immune Response (OCR) Transportation Children Well-being Blood Groups Surgical tech-safety Dermatology Agents of Disease Components of Physical Fitness Renal Replacement Therapies Pancreas Pancreatitis Corona Cardiovascular DiseasesOther quiz:
Life Processes › ViewWhats the main function of the lymphatic system?
A. removes extra fluid from tissues and returns it to the blood stream
B. cleans the body
C. takes fluid from capillaries
Enzymes › View
What is the definition of the term ‘optimum’?
A. The conditions at which the enzyme is most active.
B. The range of pH and temperature an enzyme works over.
C. The conditions at which the substrate is most active