Medical Quiz

Type 1 Diabetes Quiz

Only children get type 1 diabetes



Select your answer:


Tissues Vet Science Terms Nutrients in Food Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Eczema Defining Health and Wellness Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Nail Diseases and Disorders Surgical tech-safety Food and Nutrition Thyroid Pulmonary System Cosmetology The Human Eye Cell Bio Human Organs

Other quiz:

Hormones › View

What is the hormone that stimulates:

– ovulation
– development of corpus luteum
– secretion of oestrogen & progesterone

A. FSH hormone

B. TSH hormone

C. GnRH hormone

D. LH hormone

The Vascular System and Blood Flow › View

What is the main role of the nervous system in the return of blood to the heart?

A. Assisting in the distribution of blood to different organs

B. Pushing or massaging blood back to the heart with each muscle contraction

C. Causing veins to slightly constrict to return more blood to the heart

D. Creating a difference in pressure between the veins in the chest and abdominal cavities