Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular Nursing Quiz

When palpating the carotid arteries, it is essential that the nurse do which of the following?

A. Palpate the carotids while the client is supine

B. Avoid palpating the carotids simultaneously

C. Determine if there is a heave

D. Palpate for an enlarged heart

Select your answer:


Central and Peripheral Nervous System Ecology Genetics Vocabulary Axial & Appendicular Skeleton The Skeletal System Fat History of Psychology Nail Diseases and Disorders Diseases of The Digestive System Atoms and Radioactivity Oronasal Suctioning MS Neurology Nail Joints Inherited & Acquired Traits

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Reproduction › View

Cells of nucellus are always

A. Haploid

B. Triploid

C. Diploid

D. Enucleated

Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy › View

What type of cartilage is found at the ends of long bones, between joints?

A. Fibrocartilage

B. Elastic cartilage

C. Hyaline cartilage

D. Periosteum