Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

What is one goal of the Human Microbiome Project?

A. To sequence the DNA of all microorganisms

B. To provide comprehensive characterization of microbiota relating to human health and disease

C. To study microorganisms in an artificial habitat

D. To study the prevalence of disease

Select your answer:


Hormones Pain Management Renal and Gastrointestinal System Diseases & Disorders Eye and Ear Health and Disease Dermatology Vitals Vocabulary DNA and RNA Structures Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Cardiovascular System Obesity Cell Theory and Microbiology Diabetes Pathophysiology

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Which pathogen is treated with antibiotics?

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. parasite

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A second order reaction follows pseudo first order reaction when the concentrations of

A. 2 reactants are high

B. 2 reactants are low

C. One reactant is far higher than other reactant

D. 2 reactants are equal