Medical Quiz

Molecular Genetics Quiz

In gel electrophoresis ….

A.  15N is needed to weigh down the DNA samples

B. DNA molecules move towards the negative pole

C. larger molecules travel faster

D. smaller DNA fragments travel faster

Select your answer:


Embryology Blood Chemistry Blood Cells Diabetes Pathophysiology Discovery of DNA Psychology Homeotic Genes and Cancer Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Bone Development and Remodeling Molecular Biology Oral Surgery ADVBIO Genetics Cardiology Medications Healthcare Delivery Systems and Insurance

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Proteins produced by B cells and designed to mark antigens to be destroyed, specific to the antigen.

A. Antigens

B. Active Immunity

C. Antibodies

D. Antibiotics

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A 37 year old female as cut her arm while using a circular saw. The wound continues to bleed heavily, despite the direct pressure and bandage you have applied. You should:

A. re-apply the pressure bandage

B. apply a tourniquet

C. have the patient hold her arm above her head

D. check her blood pressure