Medical Quiz

The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Quiz

When Jacob starts running, his legs move faster and his heart rate increases. Which types of muscles are involved in these changes?

A. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and smooth muscles control his heart rate.

B. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

C. Smooth muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

D. Skeletal muscles control both his leg movement and heart rate.

Select your answer:


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Bacteria cells share which of the following organelles in common with plant and animal cells?
A. cell membrane, RER
B. cell wall, mitochondria
C. nucleus, ribosomes
D. ribosomes, cytoplasm

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A piece of equipment used by the handicapped to move around.

A. Braille

B. Sign language

C. Wheelchair