Medical Quiz

Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Quiz

An organism that produces its own body heat is called…

A. Ectotherm

B. Endotherm

Select your answer:


Muscular System Nail Diseases and Disorders CNA Introduction Pathology Inflammation Nutrition - Digestive System Stimuli and Responses in Humans Defining Health and Wellness Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Protozoan Diseases Environment Human Body Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Covid-19 Erythrocyte Disorders BMI, Body Composition and Body Types

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A. theory to try to “eliminate” disease

B. theory to try to “improve” a population

C. theory to try to “control” information

D. theory to try to “prevent” power

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Vascular damage and the exudation of plasma proteins (such as fibrin) will results in?

A. Caseous Necrosis

B. Liquefactive Necrosis

C. Coagulative Necrosis

D. Fibrinoid Necrosis