Medical Quiz

Benefits of Physical Activity Quiz

The ability to use two or more body parts together at the same time.

A. Coordination

B. Balance

C. Reaction Time

D. Agility

Select your answer:


Lipids Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Basic Structure of the Human Body Health and Medicine Obesity Nail Enhancement Beneath the Skin Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Respiratory System Med Term CPR Respiratory System Nutrient Cycling Cardio and Resp Disorders Blood & Blood Vessels Hematology / Oncology

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Superbugs can be prevented if people

A. get rid of antibiotics

B. take the antibiotics of another person

C. do not follow the directions for taking prescribed antibiotics

D. help people become aware of how to use antibiotics

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When a cell is placed in a hypertonic environment, water 

A. moves out of the cell.

B. moves into the cell.

C. does not move into or out of the cell.

D. is not affected by this.