Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Moves away from the midline of the body

A. adduction

B. abduction

C. inversion

D. eversion

Select your answer:


Hormones Fad Diets Viruses and Prions Name that Pathogen Philosophy Dementia Renal Microbiology Joints & Movement Vet Terminology Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Thyroid Gland Cell Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Microrganisms

Other quiz:

Fats And Oil › View

difference between flash point and smoke point is

A. ​​​​​​fat or oil combusts when reaching smoke point
B. smoke point is when fat/oil starts to break down and release free radicals and acrolein
C. ​​​​​​flash point is same between oils but different between fats
D. ​​​​​​flash point is temperature when most of the deep frying happens while smoke point is when most of the confiing happens

Biomedical › View

nterruption or interference with normal physiological and developmental processes or structures is called _________

A. a) Functional Limitation

B. b) Pathophysiology

C. c) Societal Limitation

D. d) Modality-Specific