Medical Quiz

Vitamin Quiz

What is Folic acid need for?

A. To prevent brain damage in newborn babies

B. To prevent anaemia in new born babies

C. To prevent Spina Bifida in new born babies

D. To prevent vomiting in New born babies

Select your answer:


Musculoskeletal Injuries Healthcare Systems and Insurance Muscle System Sarcomere Anatomy Schizophrenia Safety Terms Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Skull Dermatosis The Respiratory System Health and Disease The Chemistry of Microbiology CP A&P: Cardiovascular Muscle Anatomy Principle of Health Science

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A substance that may protect cells in the body against free radicals.

A. Antioxidant

B. Collagen

C. Potassium

D. Calcium

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Gyn – means?

A. Surgery

B. Woman

C. Man

D. Aging