Medical Quiz

Cells and Organ Systems Quiz

A caterpillar will eat and store food for the next stage of its life. What stage comes after the caterpillar in a butterly’s life cycle?

A. Chrysalis

B. Adult butterfly

C. Eggs

D. Caterpillars

Select your answer:


Diseases Key Terms Parathyroid Gland Common Respiratoty Diseases Immunisation Radiation and Health Inherited & Acquired Traits Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Diseases & Disorders Endodontic Surgery DNA Structure and Function Thyroid Gland Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Organ Senses and Locomotor System Vascular Circulatory and Lymphatic System

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Sarcomeres consist of two myofilaments, thick and thin filaments.



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A process where the red blood cells clump together by the action of an antibody.

A. Agglutination      

B. Precipitation     

C. Phenotype 

D. Genotype