Medical Quiz

Biology Quiz

Isotopes are atoms of the same element with a different number of ___.

A. ions

B. protons

C. electrons

D. neutrons

Select your answer:


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Endocrinology › View

A 47-year-old male exhibited signs & symptoms of acromegaly. Radiologic studies revealed the presence of a large pituitary tumor. Surgery was only partially effective in controlling the disease. At this point, which of the following drugs is likely to be used for pharmacological therapy?

A. Desmopressin

B. Somatropin

C. Ocreotide

D. Leuprolide

Nutrition and Human Digestive System › View

Which vessel brings nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor blood from the small intestines to the liver?

A. hepatic vein

B. hepatic portal vein

C. hepatic artery

D. inferior vena cava