★ Body Quiz
Doctors who specialize in treatment of heart diseases are called…
A. Oncologists
B. Pediatrician
C. Cardiologists
D. Heart doctor
Select your answer:
Biochemistry Lab Integumentary System Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Oncology Oral Surgery Discovery of DNA Population Genetics Cells & Body Systems Dermis Human Eye and Colorful World Food Vision Deficiency Diseases The Cell Cycle & Cancer Teeth and MicrobesOther quiz:
HNBS Intern › ViewIntervertebral discs are located between vertebral bodies from:
A. C1-S1
B. C1-L5
C. C2-L5
D. C2-S1
Integumentary System › View
Consists of the skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nail
A. keratinization
B. sweat glands (sudoferous glands)
C. integumentary system
D. hypodermis (subcutaneous layer)