Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

What is muscle protein breakdown?

A. Break down of damaged amino acids in skeletal muscle

B. Building of amino acids in skeletal muscle

C. Free Amino Acids in the bloodstream

D. Fat being burnt in the muscle

Select your answer:


Biomedical Gene Cloning Components of Physical Fitness Diabetes Mellitus Endocrine System and Nervous System Components of Blood Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Autism Awareness Pollution Radiation and Health Pancreatitis Macromolecules and Enzymes Cosmetology Musculoskeletal Injuries Discovery of DNA

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The muscle that causes hair to stand on end when a person is scared or cold is known as the:

A. cuticle

B. papilla

C. medulla

D. arrector pili

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Single layer of cells of the same shape

A. Simple

B. Stratified