Hand grip during playing badminton very important because?
A. To make sure people feel comfortable
B. To avoid qurvein injury
C. To make us happy during playing
Select your answer:
Wellness Vocabulary Lung & Breathing EM Spectrum Vessels Conjunctivita Bacterial Growth Circulatory System and Nutrition Cybersecurity in Healthcare Multicellular Organisms: Organisation Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Health-Wellness-Illness Meiosis and intro to Genetics PBS Routine Testing Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of TissuesOther quiz:
Central Nervous System › ViewWhich protection of the brain forms a watery cushion to protect fragile nervous tissue from blows and other trauma, helps the brain “float” so it is not damaged by pressure of own weight?
A. meninges
B. blood-brain barrier
C. cerebrospinal fluid
Nail Enhancement › View
Natural oil and shine are removed from the nail plate with:
A. antibacterial soap
B. an abrasive
C. an adhesive
D. nail wrap