Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

System that allows the body to conserve energy, and is responsible for digestion and urination:

A. Sympathetic

B. Limbic

C. Parasympathetic

D. Periphreal

Select your answer:


Enzymes Carbohydrates and Proteins Body Movements Forensics: Blood Circulatory & Lymphatic Orthopaedic Neurology Autoimmune Disease Heredity and Living Cells Medicine Clinics Micro Immunology Unintentional Injuries Hospice Basics First Aid Check up Terms and Definitions - Diseases Proteins

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A. Health care worker who assist surgeons

B. Operating room assistant who is certified

C. Health care worker who often helps a doctor in the office

D. Normal vision

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What will happened when you consume a high fat diet?

A. Thin

B. Obesity

C. Cancer

D. Chronic Kidney Disease