Medical Quiz

Disorders of The Joints Quiz

Which are the ligaments of the hip joint

A. Ilio-femoral ligament, pubo-femoral ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, ligamentum teres femoris

B. Ischiofemoral ligament, tibial collateral ligament, fibular collateral ligament

C. Ligamentum teres femoris, patellar ligament, plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

D. Ilio femoral ligament, pubo-femoral ligament, ischio-femoral ligament, ligamentum teres femoris

Select your answer:


Anatomy and Physiology What is Psychology? Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes History of Healthcare Health and Wellness Hematology Cell Biology & Biotechnology Organ Systems Fungi/Bacteria/Biotechnology Disease Prevention HCMA - Hematology Eye or Nose Injuries Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Reproduction Inheritance

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A. Bob

B. Sue

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