Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy & Physiology Quiz

Which of the following pathways carries sensation of precise touch, vibrations, and proprioception?

A. The spinothalamic pathway

B. The posterior column pathway

C. The spinocerebellar pathway

D. The corticospinal pathway

Select your answer:


Non-Communicable Disease Breath Heart Deficiency Disease Pulmonology Prehabilitation and Conditioning Transplantation Immunology Common Respiratoty Diseases Geriatrics Physical Fitness Components Bone Ortho Ward Simulation Human Genome and Bioethics Review Muscular Blood Typing

Other quiz:

The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems › View

When Jacob starts running, his legs move faster and his heart rate increases. Which types of muscles are involved in these changes?

A. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and smooth muscles control his heart rate.

B. Skeletal muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

C. Smooth muscles control his leg movement and cardiac muscles control his heart rate.

D. Skeletal muscles control both his leg movement and heart rate.

Cardiovascular Pathophysiology › View

Inflammation of a vein caused by the formation of a clot.

A. phlebitis

B. emobolus

C. thrombus

D. thrombophlebitis