Medical Quiz

Terms for The Skeletal System Quiz

A Podiatrist would see you as a patient if you had an injured_______________.

A. hand

B. knee

C. foot

D. back

Select your answer:


Cariology Inheritance Microrganisms Circulatory & Respiratory System Fats And Oil HCMA - Hematology Lipids Mental Health Neurological Disorders Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Bone Development and Remodeling Bones Anatomy Biology Ear/Eye Medical Terms The Inflammatory Response

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An intendation of lower sternum above the xiphoid process is called

A. Pectus Carinatum

B. Pectus Excavatum

C. Barrel Chest

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Which of the following is considered in most health care agencies as the 5th vital sign?

A. Blood Pressure

B. Pain

C. Pulse

D. Temperature