Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

Pinpoint flat round red spots under the skin surface caused by blood that has leaked from the capillaries into the skin.

A. Ecchymosis

B. Petechiae

C. Hematoma

D. Thrombosis

Select your answer:


Physical Activity Biological Molecules Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance Diagnostic Tools AEMT EMS Systems Properties of the Hair Stroke Personal Growth Plan Tracheostomy Care Viruses Musculoskeletal - Clinical Cardiovascular Nursing Cardiovascular Pathophysiology Non-Communicable Disease Vitamin

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Musculoskeletal System › View

The _____ bone is the smooth, hard, white layer of bone. It bears stress from all directions.

A. spongy bone

B. compact bone

C. bone marrow

D. fibula

Bacteria and Viruses › View

Spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria

A. coccus

B. bacillus

C. spirillum

D. prokaryote