Medical Quiz

Integumentary System Quiz

What is the function of the connective tissue ?

A. covers body surfaces,

B. support and protection

C. body movement

D. forms body’s communication network.

Select your answer:


Hematology Lab Values Renal & Neural First Aid Bleeding Blood and Bones Intravenous Fluid Therapy Blood clotting Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels The Skeletal System A Treat For Mosquitoes BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Body Systems and Medical Sciences Physical Education Urinary System Medical Terms Joints in our Body Monoclonal Antibodies

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An allele which is only expressed when no dominant allele is present.

A. hidden allele

B. dominant allele

C. recessive allele

D. present allele

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Which muscle group covers the front part of the upper arm?

A. Adductor muscle

B. Quadriceps femoris muscle

C. Biceps

D. Hamstring muscle