Medical Quiz

Excretion in Humans Quiz

The basic functional unit of human kidney is

A. henle’s loop

B. nephron

C. nephridia

Select your answer:


Mycology The Cell Cycle & Cancer Pollution Infection Detection Differentiation and Division of Human Cells EM Spectrum Mechanical Digestion Trauma Surgery Infectious Disease Therapeutic Services Roots Sexual Reproduction Excretory and Musculoskeletal System BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Health Issues and Concerns Eye

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Respiratory System › View

Internal respiration is gas exchange between

A. The blood and the cells of the body

B. The atmosphere and the blood

C. The nose and the nasal cavity

D. The atmosphere and the nose

Gaseous Exchange in Humans › View

Which of the following disease causes continuous coughing?

A. asthma

B. chronic bronchitis

C. emphysema

D. gastrisis