Medical Quiz

Kidney - Loop of Henlé Quiz

The part of the nephron that primarily reabsorbs Na+ ions is:

A. Ascending Loop of Henle

B. Descending Loop of Henle

C. Bowman’s Capsule

D. Vasa Recta

Select your answer:


Surgical & Complementary Terms CLPT, M.Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics; Regulatory Affairs Genetics Med Term Musculoskeletal MS Neurology Viruses and Prions Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Metabolism Blood Donation Phlebotomy Digestion and Microbes Brain Homeotic Genes and Cancer Human Genetics Vascular Surgery

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When is it acceptable to be dishonest in a professional setting? 
A. When it benefits the employee 
B. When it benefits the client 
C. When it benefits the supervisor 
D. It is never acceptable to be dishonest.

Body Systems and Medical Sciences › View

What organ system produces hormones?

A. lymphatic

B. circulatory

C. endocrine

D. digestive