Medical Quiz

Eye and Ear Quiz

Which part of the ear is a stretched membrane at the entrance of the middle ear?

A. cochlea

B. cornea

C. eardrum

D. anvil

Select your answer:


Non-Communicable Disease Chemistry Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Soldiers of Defense Diabetes Pathophysiology Cardiorespiratory Endurance Carbohydrates and Proteins Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels Blood Typing Dermatology Vocabulary Special Senses Blood Groups Breathing ...Respiration Diversity Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins

Other quiz:

Thyroid Gland › View

Weight loss, rapid heart rate, and heat sensitivity are likely symptoms of…

A. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid)

B. Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

C. Thyroid cancer

D. All of these above

Physiology › View

The number of action potentials per minute each type of autorhythmic cell can generate under resting conditions is as follows:

A. the rate for the SA node is 70-80, for the AV node is 40-60 and for the Bundle of His and Purkinje fiber is 20-40

B. the rate for the SA node is 70-80, for the AV node is 70-80 and for the Bundle of His and Purkinje fiber is 40-60

C. the rate for the SA node is 70-80, for the AV node is 20-40 and for the Bundle of His and Purkinje fiber is 40-60

D. the rate for the SA node is 40-60, for the AV node is 70-80 and for the Bundle of His and Purkinje fiber is 40-60

E. the rate for the SA node is 40-60, for the AV node is 70-80 and for the Bundle of His and Purkinje fiber is 20-40