Medical Quiz

Immune Cells Faction Quiz

What is the most abundant white blood cell in a human?

A. neutrophil

B. lymphocyte

C. monocyte

D. eosinophil

E. basophil

Select your answer:


Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Hospitality Bacteria Vision and Light Corona Cell Theory & Melanoma Muscles and Healthy Body Healthcare Careers Carbohydrates Muscles Blood Donation Branches of Microbiology Safety Terms Type 1 Diabetes Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology

Other quiz:

Pathophysiology › View

How much tidal volume stays in the body between an adult’s mouth and alveoli as dead air space?

A. 50%

B. 21 mL

C. 150 mL

D. 21%

Hospital Wards and Departments › View

Subspecialties include allergy and immunology, cardiology (heart diseases), endocrinology (hormone disorders), hematology (blood disorders), infectious diseases, gastroenterology (diseases of the gut), nephrology (kidney diseases), oncology (cancer), pulmonology (lung disorders), and rheumatology

A. Information management

B. Intensive care

C. Internal medicine