Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal/Endocrine Systems Quiz

What type of pain is associated with an amputated extremity?

A. Inflammatory pain

B. Bone pain

C. Phantom limb pain

D. Organ pain

Select your answer:


Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Inflammation and Tissue Repair The Microbial World Cardiology Source of Food Musculoskeletal Injuries & Workstation Design Gaseous Exchange in Humans Surgical tech-safety Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Protein Synthesis Enzymes Cardiovascular System Terminology Muscle & Nerve Tissue Bone Marrow Histology Circulatory & Lymphatic Health and Disease

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What colour is oxygenated blood?

A. Bright Red

B. Deep red-purple

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What is a substance called if it speeds up a chemical reaction?

A. reusable

B. catalyst

C. specific

D. fragile