Medical Quiz

Microbio (Viruses) Quiz

How would a scientist design an oncolytic virus?

A. Prevent it from replicating in normal tissues

B. Make it produce factors that weaken the immune response

C. Just use a wild-type (regular) version of the virus

D. Randomly mutate wild-type virus until it is more virulent

Select your answer:


Beneath the Skin Food for Thought Medical Terminology Bones and Muscles Obesity Sensory Disorder The Ear Innate Immunity The Cell Cycle Non-Communicable Disease Organelles Types of Nutrients Asexual Reproduction AEMT EMS Systems Deficiency Diseases

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Types of Immunity › View

Breastfeeding is how a baby will acquire a _____________

A. Natural active immunity

B. Natural passive immunity

C. Artificial active immunity

D. Artificial passive immunity

The Cell Cycle & Cancer › View

Spread of disease from one organ to another.

A. Cancer

B. Malignant

C. Metastasize

D. Benign