Medical Quiz

Skin and Derivatives Quiz

Identify structure number 1

A. sweat gland

B. hair follicle

C. sweat pore

D. epidermis

Select your answer:


The nervous system & brain Health and Social Care Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Thyroid Disease Microbial Growth Carbohydrates Pathology Inflammation Vocabulary - Health Stroke Skin Structure Wellness Vocabulary Movement Heart Anatomy Therapeutic Services Roots Embryology

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Inheritance › View

In mitosis, the two resulting cells are

A. different from the parent cell and identical to each other.

B. different from the parent cell and different from each other.

C. identical to the parent cell and different from each other.

D. identical to the parent cell and identical to each other.

Pulmonology › View

What is another name for the windpipe?

A. Lungs

B. Trachea

C. Larynx

D. Esophagus