Medical Quiz

Foodborne Illness Quiz

What could happen if you eat a food that is unsafe?

A. Nothing would happen if the food tasted okay.

B. Nothing would happen if the food looked okay.

C. Nothing would happen if the food smelled okay.

D. Nothing would happen if the food had been refrigerated.

E. You could get sick

Select your answer:


Reproduction Vaccines Hospital Departments Hospital Unit Immunisation Erythrocyte Disorders Cardiovascular System Anatomy Eye Physiology Surgical tech-safety Skeleton and Muscles Heredity and Living Cells Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function Immunity Physical Education and Health Macromolecules & Enzymes

Other quiz:

Vet Terminology › View


A. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

B. Date of birth

C. Domestic short hair

D. Domestic long hair

Unintentional Injuries › View

You are giving first aid to a person with a muscle, bone or joint injury. Emergency medical services (EMS) has been called. What should you do until they arrive?

A. Bandage the injured body part.

B. Apply cold if the person can tolerate it, and watch the person for signs and symptoms of shock.

C. Splint the injury to immobilize it.

D. All of the above