Medical Quiz

T Cells Quiz

What is antigen presentation?

A. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto class I and class II MHC

B. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto ONLY class I MHC

C. antigen fragments, cell peptides or epitope sequences that are loaded onto ONLY class II MHC

Select your answer:


Organelles Safety Terms Gaseous Exchange in Humans Dermatosis Cariology Neuroanatomy of CNS PBS Routine Testing The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Circulatory and Respiratory System Eyes Biochemistry/Cells Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Nutrition Lipid Body Systems and Medical Sciences The Nervous System and The Senses

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A. Angina pectoris

B. Ludwig’s angina

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