Medical Quiz

First Aid Quiz

How do you treat a minor cut on your arm?

A. Apply pressure to the wound, clean the wound and put on a clean bandage.

B. Applying pressure is good enough.

C. Sit down and rest.

D. Call the ambulance.

Select your answer:


Bones, Joints and Muscles Dental Specialties Breathing System Genetic Engineering Brain/Neuron Anatomy Enzymes & Metabolism HL Defence against Infectious Diseases Joints & Movement Cancer & Cell Cycle Malaria Cardiology Services Med Terms Plasmid Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Toxicology

Other quiz:

Immunisation › View

Many times people visit the doctor requesting antibiotics to treat colds and viral infections. How is the doctor justified in offering the patient treatment options that do not include antibiotics for these cases?

A. Colds and viruses should be first treated with viral therapies and then when the body begins to recover, antibiotics can be used. Otherwise, the use of antibiotics is not effective at all.

B. Side effects from antibiotics are severe when used for colds and viruses. Any use of antibiotics for colds and viruses will only make the patient more ill and ultimately make the patient’s recovery time longer.

C. Antibiotics can weaken the immune system when used for colds and viruses, whereas other medications are not so hard on the immune system during these types of illnesses.

D. If a doctor provides an antibiotic to treat colds and viruses, any bacteria in the patient’s body will be killed, but a few will survive. Those few survivors may become resistant to antibiotics needed for real bacterial illnesses.

Reproduction › View

What is antenatal care?

A. Care of a newborn baby.

B. Specific care of a mother and foetus during the period before birth.

C. Breastfeeding.

D. How to take care of the body during ovulation.