The energy nutrients are
A. vitamins, minerals, water
B. carbohydrates, proteins, fats
C. fruits, vegetables, dairy
D. carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
Select your answer:
Human Genome and Bioethics Review Food Microbiology HFT Vitamins Antibiotic in Orthopaedics Oxygenation Brain/Neuron Anatomy Tissues Vocabulary Genetic Engineering Nutrition Muscle Tissues Medical Suffixes Entomology BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Disease Outbreak and Transmission Carbohydrate MetabolismOther quiz:
Public Health and Genetic Disease › ViewHealth care experts who study trends in health issues in populations and deploy public announcements, education initiatives, and protocols to protect the health of the nation.
A. epidemiologists
B. dermatologists
C. medical examiners
D. immunologist
Integumentary System › View
What forms when the epidermis and dermis have friction?
A. hematoma
B. blister
C. sunburn
D. cancer