Medical Quiz

Receptors Quiz

You feel a mosquito biting your arm. This is because you have ………………….. in your skin.

A. Lateral lines

B. Photoreceptors

C. Mechanoreceptors

D. Electroreptors

Select your answer:


Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Virus and Bacteria Division of Microbiology Renal and Gastrointestinal System Biological Molecules Homeostasis and Disease Hematology Muscles Macronutrients & Micronutrients Dyslexia Heart Anatomy Medical Terminology Urinary System Composition of Blood and Blood Cells Biodiversity Conservation

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Advanced Stretching SM2 › View

Why is body position and body mechanics important in PNF?

A. So the athlete gets the best stretch

B. So the therapist gets the best stretch

C. So the therapist prevents fatigue and injury from performing resistance on the athlete

D. So the athlete prevents fatigue and injury from performing resistance on the therapists

Nutrition › View

Which food provides the MOST energy for the body in the shortest amount of time? Hint: Think about what cells need to make energy.

A. Potato

B. Meat

C. Milk

D. Fruit