Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

The urinary system does all of the following except

A. excreting excess albumin molecules

B. regulating blood volume

C. helping stabilize blood pH

D. eliminating organic waste products

E. regulating plasma concentration of electrolytes

Select your answer:


Health issue related to immune system Transport system in Living Things (Human) Regulating the Cell Cycle DNA Replication The Circulatory System Anatomy Respiratory System Immune System Bacteria and Viruses Genetic Engineering Urinary System Healthy Foundations HFT Vitamins Muscles and Healthy Body Brain Dentistry

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What’s the ultimate purpose of CPR?

A. to stop a heart attack

B. to dislodge food or beverage from the airway

C. to keep a person alive until they can receive advanced medical assistance

D. to teach others the value of living well so they don’t need it.

Male Reproductive System › View

Females produce sex cells called ________

A. eggs

B. sperms

C. ovaries

D. uterus