Medical Quiz

Mutations Quiz

This type of mutation results in the switch of one or more nucleotides into (a) different nucleotide(s) in a gene.

A. deletion

B. insertion

C. substitution

D. frameshift

Select your answer:


Teeths Type 1 Diabetes Dermatology Vocabulary Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Nail Disorders and Diseases Joints & Movement Compact Bone DNA Reproductive System Vocabulary Hygiene and Nutrition Enzymes and ATP Structure Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Sports Medicine

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What is one reason why we need meiosis?
A. To double the number of chromosomes going into sex cells
B. To halve the number of chromosomes going into sex cells
C. To triple the number of chromosomes going into sex cells
D. To not change the number of chromosomes going into sex cells

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You are working quietly in the library when a friend sneaks up from behind and scares you, making your heart race. At this time, your _____ nervous system would be dominant.

A. parasympathetic

B. sympathetic

C. somatic

D. central