Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

You need __________ to help digest food and get rid of waste
A. calcium
B. carbohydtates
C. protein
D. water

Select your answer:


Pain Pathophysiology Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes Skeletal System Vocabulary Surgical tech-safety Types of Immunity HHB Immunology Microrganisms EMR - Trauma Gastroenterology Nutrition Lipid Hematology Lab Values Cell Transport Plasmid Eye in Color Vision World Health Day

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Cardiology › View

What is the meaning of the suffix “-pathy” in “cardiomyopathy”?

A. Muscle

B. Heart

C. Disease

D. Blood clot

Anatomy and Histology › View

Which filaments are involved in muscle contraction?

A. Actin and Myosin

B. Troponin and Tropomyosin

C. Myoglobin and Myofibrils

D. Sarcoplasm and Sarcolemma