Medical Quiz

Non-infectious Disease Quiz

The use of CRISPR is an example of:

A. Discovering genetic disease

B. Causing genetic disease

C. Treatment of genetic disease

D. Preventing non-infectious disease

Select your answer:


Bacteria & Viruses Tissues Types of Reproduction Nail The Energy Nutrients Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Fluid and Electrolytes Health and Disease Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Skin Appendages Health-Wellness-Illness Hospitality Anatomy & Physiology Physical Education Human Body

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It can lead to plaque in arteries which may also cause the risk of a heart attack.

A. High blood glucose

B. High blood pressure

C. High blood cholesterol

D. Diabetes

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The outer, protective layer of the cell that allows for the movement of water and other substances into & out of the cell is called the:

A. mitochondria

B. ribosomes

C. nucleus

D. cell membrane