Medical Quiz

Body Defense Quiz

Which of the following is involved in the second line of defence?

A. White blood cell

B. Skin

C. Tears

D. Hydrochloric acid in stomach

Select your answer:


Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Immunity & Cancer Circulatory & Lymphatic The Cell Cycle & Cancer Antimicrobial Pharmacology Tissues Vet Science Terms Proteins Nervous / Sensory System Excretory System Hospital Wards and Departments Breath Fish Health Management Cardiovascular Hemodynamic Disorder Pathology

Other quiz:

Skin Growth › View

The clear, transparent layer just under the stratum corneum that consists of small cells through which light can pass is the:

A. stratum spinosum

B. stratum granulosum

C. stratum lucidium

D. stratum corneum

Inheritance › View

In mitosis, the two resulting cells are

A. different from the parent cell and identical to each other.

B. different from the parent cell and different from each other.

C. identical to the parent cell and different from each other.

D. identical to the parent cell and identical to each other.