Medical Quiz

Body Fluids and Blood Cells Quiz

Our blood is made up of 55% Plasma and 45% Cellular Components.
Is the above statement TRUE or FALSE ?



Select your answer:


Muscular System Teeth and Microbes The Teeth Gastroenterology Basic Structure of the Human Body Cell Injury Vitals Anatomy & Physiology Special Senses Tutor Oral Biology Ankle Injuries Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Beneath the Skin Purpose and Function of the Skeletal System EM Spectrum

Other quiz:

Physical and Sensory Impairment › View

Strategies for working with students with Developmental Disabilities

A. sitting the student in the back of the classroom.

B. giving the student coloring sheets all instructional day

C. Visual and/or gestural cues Sensory activities
Developmentally appropriate activities Concrete directions
Paired approach

D. ignoring the student throughout the day

Skin Diseases › View

A 4-year old with a blistering skin syndrome was referred to Burns Unit in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. At physical examination, erythema (skin rash caused by inflamed blood capillaries) and exfoliation were present. Culture skin reported Staphylococcus aureus. Which best describes the disease?

A. Scarlet fever

B. Scalded skin syndrome

C. Chickenpox

D. Smallpox