Medical Quiz

Virus Quiz

A reaction to a stimulus is a ______________.

A. hiccup

B. response

C. metabolism

D. homeostasis

Select your answer:


How the Eyes work Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Pathophysiology ology & phobia Motor Neuron Disease Heart Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology Muscle pathophysiology Soldiers of Defense Your Body Mutation & Genetic Engineering Immunology and Serology Pulmonology/Respiratory Pathology Pain Pathophysiology

Other quiz:

Histology › View

This junction occurs when microfilaments extend from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane

A. Tight

B. Adhering

C. Desmosomes

D. Gap

Name that Pathogen › View

I am transmitted in semen and vaginal fluids during sexual intercourse, infected blood or blood products, contaminated hypodermic syringes, mother to foetus across placenta, at birth, mother to infant in breast milk



C. Cholera

D. Malaria