Medical Quiz

Topics: Urinary System Medical Terms Quiz

What is the medical term for the surgical removal of the urinary bladder

A. lobectomy

B. cystectomy

C. appendectomy

D. oophectomy

Select your answer:


Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Food and Nutrition Breathing System Cell and Muscle Histology Contemporary Nutrition Issues The Human Body Introduction to Pharmacology Weight Management Digestive System and Nutrition Neuroanatomy of CNS Alzheimer Disease and Dementia Circulatory and Respiratory System Organ Systems Healthcare Careers Tongue and Skin

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molecule (often a protein) on the cell surface that can trigger an immune response in the body 

A. antigen 

B. cytokines 

C. memory cells 

D. lymphocyte 

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The brain is found in

A. in the head

B. in the chest

C. in the face

D. in the stomach