Medical Quiz

Topics: Types of Nutrients Quiz

Which of the following is NOT an example of a complex carbohydrate?

A. Whole Grain Bread

B. Apple

C. Broccoli

D. Squash

Select your answer:


Orthopedic Surgeon Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Mycology Physical Fitness Components Hearing Impairment Organelles Branches of Medicine Homeostasis - Vision Correction Dermis Pharmacology Calculations Disease Prevention Smoking Related Diseases Vital Signs Types of Doctors Defining Health and Wellness

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The major mechanism of plasma membrane damage in ischaemia is

A. . Reduced aerobic respiration

B. Increased ca ions in the cytoplasm

C. Increased intracellular accumulation of sodium

D. Reduced intracellular pH

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Food is grouped by _________________.

A. taste

B. look

C. what it gives our bodies

D. how full you get from eating it.