Medical Quiz

Topics: The Cell Quiz

These cell organelles are sacs bounded by a single membrane that contain as many as 40 different enzymes. The enzymes are all hydrolytic and catalyze the breakdown of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.

A. E.R.

B. Mitochondria

C. Vacuole

D. Lysosome

E. Centriole

Select your answer:


Disorders of The Joints Hemodynamic Disorder Vaccines BTEC Biological Approach Revise Beneath the Skin Heart Anatomy Gene Expression A Treat For Mosquitoes Enzymes and ATP Structure Life Cycle - Bee Emergency Medicine Trauma Radiography Doctor Equipments General Microbiology and Immunology

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Pathogens, Disease and Immunity › View

Which of the following statements is TRUE about someone’s immune system that has allergies?

A. Body cells are dividing at an uncontrolled rate.

B. The body is reacting to foreign antigens that are not dangerous to most people.

C. T cells and B cells in the body cannot be activated.

D. The body is mistaking its own cells for foreign antigens.

Microbial Growth & Nutrition › View

Which microbes use sunlight as a source of energy?

A. photoheterotrophs and photoautotrophs

B. chemoheterotrophs and chemoautotrophs