Medical Quiz

Topics: Teeth and Microbes Quiz

When you eat, small bits of food get stuck between your teeth.If these bits of food are not removed, small living things called _______ starts growing on them.

A. snails

B. ants

C. germs

D. plants

Select your answer:


Pituitary, Thyroid and Adrenal Bacteria & Disease Diseases & Disorders PHE Healthy Lifestyle Cell Cycle Epithelial Oncology Microbio (Viruses) Health Related Fitness Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Skin and Derivatives Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes HFT Vitamins Multicellular Organisms Burns and Skin Cancer

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How many Valence Electrons do metals typically have?

a. 1-3

b. 8

c. 2-4

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The limbic system includes the __.
A. Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla
B. Hippocampus, Amygdala, Hypothalamus
C. Spinal cord, corpus callosum, amygdala
D. reticular formation, hypothalamus, cerebral cortex