Topics: Sports Medicine Quiz
Which is not an example of aerobic exercise?
A. Walking
B. Lifting weights
C. Biking
D. Hiking
Select your answer:
Conjunctivita Schizophrenia Pediatric Musculoskeletal Disorders Physical and Sensory Impairment HFT Vitamins Stroke Human Organ System Dermatosis Regulation of Heart Rate Hospice Basics Cells & Body Systems Life Cycle - Bee Respiratory and Urinary Integumentary System: Skin Disorder Acute Responses to ExerciseOther quiz:
Pathophysiology › ViewInsulin is a hormone classified as:
A. Steroid
B. Non-Steroid
Beneath the Skin › View
What are the upper most chambers of the heart called?
A. Ventricles
B. Atriums
C. Valves
D. Veins