Medical Quiz

Topics: SPED Law-lympics Quiz

Which one of the following is NOT a disability category recognized by IDEA?

A. multiple disabilities

B. intellectual disability

C. developmental delay

D. obsessive compulsive disorder

Select your answer:


Nutrition - Digestive System Mnt For Pulmonary Disease and Adverse Reactions to Food Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Injury Surgical Vocabulary Genes, Chromosomes and Genome Gene Cloning Obstructive Lung Disease Musculoskeletal Vocabulary History of Medicine Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals Cardiology Services Med Terms Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Physio Intro Practice EKG CCMA

Other quiz:

Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation › View

Which is true about Adult Stem Cells.

A. They no longer do mitosis, their cell type is set and can not change

B. They are limited to the type of  cell they can become.

C. They can become any cell type in the body

D. They are found in embryos

ICU › View

In oxygen delivery methods, What is the use of oxygen concentrators?

A. Used to check the concentration of oxygen in cylinder

B. Remove nitrogen from room air

C. Lower the concentration of oxygen in air

D. All of the above