Medical Quiz

Topics: Respiratory System Quiz

Gills take in oxygen from the water while lungs take in oxygen from the air.

Select your answer:


Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Movement and Locomotion Breathing ...Respiration Digestion CP A&P: Cardiovascular Pharmacology Vitamins Glucose in the Body Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Circulatory and Lymphatic System Renal System - Pharmacology Skeletal System Homeostatic Imbalances Excretion-Dialysis Haematology

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Heart › View

Which circuit carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs for gas exchange and returns it to the left atrium of the heart?

A. Coronary

B. Systemic

C. Pulmonary

D. Lymphatic

E. Fetal

Microbiology › View

Why are microbes and viruses considered excellent model systems for the study of genetics?

A. They require a large amount of space to grow.

B. They are difficult to manipulate genetically.

C. They grow to high population densities in a small amount of space and in a short time.

D. They cannot be propagated easily in the laboratory.