Medical Quiz

Respiratory System Quiz


Which respiratory structure is supported by rings of cartilage?

A. trachea

B. alveolus

C. bronchiole

D. pharynx

This is the branch like structure that air flows through after the trachea

A. alveoli

B. lungs

C. broniole

D. bronchi

Capillaries wrap around the ____________ for gas exchange.

A. Secondary bronchi

B. Alveoli

C. Alveolar ducts

D. Bronchioles

The place in the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged 

A. Diaphragm

B. Alveolus

C. Bronchi Tube

D. Trachea

What career clusters is the job of “respiratory therapist” in?

A. support and informatics

B. diagnostic and support

C. diagnostic and therapeutic

D. therapeutic and support

The cartilage that closes the larynx to prevent food from entering the trachea is called

A. Vestibular fold

B. Epiglottis

C. Thyroid cartilage

D. Adam’s apple

Anoxia means:

A. breathing that is deeper than normal

B. deficiency of oxygen

C. increased oxygen in the blood

D. increased respiratory rate

Smaller tubes within the lungs

A. Bronchioles

B. Bronchi

C. Lungs

D. Alveoli

the windpipe; a passage through which air moves in the respiratory system.

A. trachea

B. lungs

C. larynx

D. bronchi

Mr. Arnot is a heavy smoker with a chronic cough, bluish tint to his skin, and a barrel chest. He MOST LIKELY suffers from:

A. Emphysema

B. Epistaxis

C. Tuberculosis

D. Pleurisy

When we breathe out , …………….. leaves our body.

A. oxygen

B. carbon dioxide

What is the best treatment for mild epistaxis caused by a bump in the nose?

A. Pack the nose with gauze

B. Compress the nostrils, elevate and tilt the head slightly forward

C. Cauterize the bleeder

D. Lay flat on the back, head back, and pack the nose with tissue

Which position is contraindicated to the patient with chest injury, hemoptysis and heart disease during postural drainage

A. Semi Fowler’s position

B. Trendelenburg’s Position

C. Prone position

A condition where free air gets into the pleural cavity is known as

A. Pneumonia

B. Hemothorax

C. Pneumothorax

D. Tuberculosis

The cellular process which uses oxygen and sugar to produce energy is called

A. photosynthesis

B. cell division

C. cellular respiration

D. DNA replication


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