Topics: Pharmacology Calculations Quiz
What is the formula for calculating pediatric dosage based on the child’s age and the adult dose?
A. Pediatric Dose = (Age in years – 5) * Adult Dose
B. Pediatric Dose = (Age in years / (Age in years + 12)) * Adult Dose
C. Pediatric Dose = (Age in years * 2) + Adult Dose
D. Pediatric Dose = (Age in months / 12) * Adult Dose
Select your answer:
Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria Hematologic System BMI (Body Mass Index) Thrombosis, Emboliya Skeleton and Muscles Parathyroid Gland Parts of the Brain Cell and Tissue Vitamins and Minerals Macromolecules & Enzymes Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Ear/Eye Medical Terms Human Muscle Pharmacology Anatomy and PhysiologyOther quiz:
Epidemiology › ViewThe following are health indicator except
A. Crude death rate
B. Life expectancy
C. Luxury expenditure
D. Proportional mortality rate
Medical Terminology › View
This anatomical term refers to the groin
A. Olecranon
B. Patella
C. Inguinal
D. Popliteal