Medical Quiz

Topics: Pathophysiology Quiz

High blood pressure causes the heart to work harder to pump blood into the systemic circulation; over time, this will lead to _____.

A. hyperplasia of the heart

B. atrophy of the heart

C. hypertrophy of the heart

D. metaplasia of the heart

Select your answer:


Entomology Hemodynamic Disorder Disease Outbreak and Transmission Cartilage Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Gene Cloning Skeletal Pathology Psoriasis Receptors Immunology IBD Oral Hygiene Surgical Vocabulary Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Genetics and Censorship Aerobic- Cardio Respiratory Endurance

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a. add iodine to the leaf
b. boil leaf in water
c. boil leaf in alcohol
d. rinse leaf in water
The correct sequence used to test a leaf for starch from the steps above is:

A. a b c d
B. b c d a
C. c d a b
D. d c a b

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This is the flaking of the skin on the scalp and is commonly accompanied by itchiness.

A. Lice

B. Kuto

C. Dandruff

D. Allergy